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Become a Student Ambassador

Join our global community of students around the world who are passionate about advancing girls' right to an education and driving greater gender equity. Student Ambasssadors bring events and activities to their schools through Girl Rising clubs, film screenings and discussions, fundraisers, special International Day of the Girl events and more.

Girl Rising hosts virtual events for our Student Ambassadors throughout the year. We collaborate with Student Ambassadors for social media campaigns and offer cash stipends to students through the Natasha Stevens Legacy Fund.

Meet the 2024 Winners of the Natasha Stevens Legacy Fund
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Student Ambassador
Earth Day Submissions 

In honor of Earth Day, Girl Rising’s Student Ambassadors from across the world channeled the power of art to bring the world’s attention to the importance of prioritizing the earth.

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Joy Kalu, Nigeria

Student Ambassador Joy Kalu from Nigeria depicts how everyone must care about our planet to heal it. From using energy generated from solar panels to planting flowers and trees, it all plays a part in protecting our planet.

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Simeon Kalua, Nigeria

In this powerful poem, Student Ambassador Simeon Kalua calls on us to pause and listen to the cries of nature as it urges us to stop causing harm. Simeon has grown up seeing the dire impacts of climate change in his community in Malawi including the recent devastating loss of 300+ lives due to Cyclone Freddy.

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Maria Bendo, Albania

Maria, a 4th-year law student in Albania created this digital artwork in honor of Earth Month to illustrate that our everyday choices like supporting big industries that cause air and water pollution, using single-use plastic, and other practices that are increasing global emissions.

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Priyanka Malla, India

Student Ambassador Priyanka Malla talks about the one-sided relationship that humanity has with the Earth. Despite the abundance the Earth gives humanity, we continue to exhaust its natural resources and impact its well-being from future generations.

Become a Student Ambassador

Girl Rising’s vibrant community of Student Ambassadors are mobilizing their communities, raising funds, taking action and making a difference for girls around the world. Register to become an official Girl Rising Student Ambassador below to gain access to free student resources (including our Take Action guide), exclusive events and one-on-one support from the Girl Rising team. 

Thanks for submitting!

Natasha Stevens Legacy Fund

In honor of Dr. Natasha Stevens, each year Girl Rising will provide a cash stipend to a student and/or student group looking to raise awareness in their communities about the power of girls’ education. These event(s) or activities must be centered around Girl Rising and the global movement driving gender-equity. Applications will open in February, 2024.

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