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Girl Rising Events and Campaigns
Throughout the year we come together to share stories, explore issues, advocate for change, and celebrate achievements. Join us for in-person events, virtual gatherings and global campaigns as we all work together to break through the barriers to girls’ education and fight for a fairer future.
Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media for regular updates and learn more about our upcoming and past events here.
Upcoming Events
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Past Events
- मंगल, 18 मार्चInfo Session
- गुरु, 20 फ़र॰
- मंगल, 11 फ़र॰Virtual Event
- सोम, 25 नव॰Virtual Event for Student Ambassadors
- गुरु, 10 अक्तू॰New York
- गुरु, 14 मार्चNew York
- बुध, 21 फ़र॰Virtual event
- शुक्र, 01 दिस॰
- रवि, 01 अक्तू॰
- रवि, 03 सित॰
- सोम, 17 जुल॰Kigali
- मंगल, 13 जून
- मंगल, 30 मई
- मंगल, 09 मई
- मंगल, 09 मई
- शुक्र, 21 अप्रैल
- बुध, 12 अप्रैल
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