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Participate in the "I Am Girl Rising 10" Campaign

To celebrate a decade of Girl Rising we invite you to participate in the "I Am Girl Rising 10" campaign. This campaign emphasizes the visions and actions of individuals around the world who are advocating for change and building a better, fairer future. Your participation in this campaign is important - we want you to share your voice. Participation is also simple!  All you have to do is use your phone to record yourself sharing an “I am Girl Rising” message, with Girl Rising written on your hand and then upload your video here by September 3. We’ve included instructions below as well as sample videos and messages.  

Sample video 1 - English

Sample video 2 - Spanish

Sample video 3 - Hindi

Download the campaign guidance document here

English    Urdu    Swahili    Spanish     Hindi

How to film your video

To ensure high-quality and impactful videos, please follow these guidelines:
Use Vertical Orientation: Record your video vertically (portrait mode) using your smartphone.
Prioritize Good Lighting: Film in a well-lit area. Natural light is best, so try to face a window or be outside in a shaded area. Avoid backlighting. Make sure the light is in front of you. (e.g., no bright window or lamp light behind you).
Ensure Clear Sound: Record in a quiet environment to minimize background noise. Speak clearly and at a steady pace. Feel free to use headphones if they have a better microphone.
Attire & background: Solid colors for attire work best.  Film in front of an uncluttered background
Eye Contact is Key: Make sure to maintain eye contact with the camera and refrain from looking off-camera or reading a script.
Be happy, proud and most of all, genuine!


The video should start with you making a simple statement of What you do to create a better future, or what you want to see as a better future. This should not be more than one sentence. 

Then conclude by saying “I am Girl Rising”.  When you say “I am Girl Rising” you can show one hand, or both hands showing “Girl Rising” written on them.

Please see the example videos here. And please see the example scripts below

“I mentor young girls in STEM. I am Girl Rising.”

“I advocate for gender equity. I am Girl Rising.”

“I want to see safer spaces for girls to learn and grow. I am Girl Rising.”

“I work for climate justice. I am Girl Rising.”

“I am an ally for gender equity. I am Girl Rising.”

“I fight against child marriage. I am Girl Rising.”

“I promote mental health awareness among young girls. I am Girl Rising.”

“I create opportunities for girls in sports. I am Girl Rising.”

“I stand up against gender-based violence. I am Girl Rising.”


Please feel free to speak in your mother tongue, but say “Girl Rising” in English.


Once your video is ready, please submit it here. By participating, you are helping to amplify the voices of those committed to creating a future of change. Thank you for being a part of the "I Am Girl Rising 10" campaign and for your dedication to a better future! If you have any questions please feel free to email Virginia Terry at

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